Expand Your Business in Japan
"Recent deregulation measures have streamlined the process for foreign nationals to establish businesses in Tokyo. Have you come across this information but are uncertain about completing procedures while residing abroad? If you're interested in launching a business in Japan but find yourself unsure of where to begin or whether to establish a Kabushiki Kaisha, Godo Kaisha, or incorporated association, we're here to help. If you have questions like these, please don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation. We are well-prepared to swiftly navigate and handle complex, time-consuming procedures on your behalf.
Furthermore, our services extend beyond the initial setup of your business. We take care of various aspects, including visa applications and back-office operations such as bookkeeping and accounting. We provide comprehensive support for your expansion into the Japanese market.
Our initial consultation is offered at no cost to you. If you're contemplating starting a business in Japan, the first step is to simply get in touch with us."
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Get started under theTokyo Metropolitan Goverment`s " Program to increase foreign companies
About JapanBizConsulting
JapanBizConsulting Company is a business consulting company specializing in helping small middle size international businesses expand into the Japanese market. With our expertise and local knowledge, we provide comprehensive support in all aspects of business setup and operations in Japan.